43 Lessons I’ve Learned About Entrepreneurship, Online Marketing and Life
4 min readFeb 25, 2018
I turned 43 today.
Doesn’t feel much different than yesterday of course but I did pause today to think about lessons.
No long intro’s needed… here they are. They certainly aren’t all mine. These are concepts I’ve learned from others and made my own.
They are numbered just to keep things organized not prioritized…
- Whatever you call success will take A LOT longer than you think it will to attain it.
- What you call success will cost you A LOT more money than you think to make it happen.
- NEVER make decisions about your business on really great days or really bad days… because both days are lying to you in some way.
- Good days or bad days, your core income producing actions must stay the same.
- Most people who join your team, organization, etc… will quit and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. You can read leadership books until your eyes fall out, most people are flakes.
- Most destination style events and conferences are a waste of money and will not make any noticeable impact on your business. You would be much better off to learn how to sit quietly with yourself instead of in a room with thousands of other guru groupies.
- The loudest talkers in your organization tend to actually work the least.
- All marketing online is a test. Most of what you try will fail and fail badly. It’s part of the game, get use to it.
- Few things are as expensive as “FREE” when it comes to tools online. You get what you pay for, pay for the good stuff.
- Learn how to sell. Your ability to persuade others will keep you fed or keep your broke.
- Chance are you are underpricing your products and services. Go bigger.
- Stop selling like you buy. Just because you wouldn’t spend a bunch of a money on a product, doesn’t mean others won’t.
- Build an email list… like yesterday. It’s an incredible asset.
- Stop reading a bunch of books. Pick one or two and master them.
- How you talk to yourself has more to do with your success than you realize. Say the right things to yourself.
- Eliminate chronic complainers for your life and while you’re at, don’t be one yourself.
- There are few things as painful as trying to grow your business slowly. It’s like pulling off a bandaid while gently wading into ice cold water. Go faster.
- Chances are things will have to get really bad at some point before you really wake up to your highest potential. It sucks. I don’t know why humans are that way. But it’s true.
- Choose your mentors VERY carefully. Their knowledge isn’t enough. Their manner of living and values should be aligned with yours. Otherwise, eventually it will get weird.
- One of your biggest problems will be impatience. Think LONG game.
- Your reasons (insert excuses) for why you can’t do certain things in your business due to time, money, life…probably have some validity to them BUT none of them will pay your bills.
- Ultimately it’s ALL your fault at the end of the day. Ownership is key.
- Ultimately it’s because of you if things went well. Own that too you freaking rockstar.
- Be yourself it’s much more interesting than a second rate copy of everyone else.
- Mornings are sacred, protect them. Email and social media can wait. Read, pray, and exercise first.
- Sometimes the very best thing you can when things are going completely crazy is to pause and do absolutely nothing instead of knee-jerking bad decisions.
- Get unemotional in business. (hard to do but critical)
- A 30 minute walk can be just what the doctor ordered.
- Don’t talk about business in the bedroom. That’s what your office is for.
- Leave your cell phone off or in another room if you’re playing with your kids. They deserve all of you, not some of you.
- The gospel of “hustle and grind” is fine for a season but life is a lot bigger than that. Work hard when it’s time to work and forget about work when it’s time to forget about work.
- Most of your business problems can be solved by more activity.
- Be nice to people, especially the ones you want to throw off a building.
- You may think the sky is falling…it rarely is. This too shall pass.
- Nothing looks good when you’re tired. Get more sleep.
- Not everyone is going to like you.
- Your biggest fans (groupies) can and often do become your BIGGEST critics. Empower people to walk on their own, NOT be dependent on you. Dependance without results equals resentment then hatred.
- Set business hours and stick to them.
- Set a day a week when you log all the way off and live off screens. It’s good for the soul.
- Relationships are nice but sales is still a contact sport. Work the numbers and they will eventually pay off.
- When you get sick don’t look up your symptoms on Google. You’ll be convinced you’re dying of something horrible within a few clicks.
- You’ll want to quit a lot. That’s ok… just don’t.
- When you have a great success, take 24 hours to celebrate then move on. When you have a big setback (and you will), take 24 hours and have an epic pity party, then move on.
Now let’s go eat some cake!